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Laser Safety Officer (LSO) course online - June 14, 2024

  • Friday, June 14, 2024
  • 4:00 PM
  • Saturday, June 15, 2024
  • 1:00 AM
  • Online - Zoom


Registration is closed

This 9 hour course starts Friday, June 14, 2024 beginning at 4 pm Eastern/New York time, running until approximately 1 am June 15 Eastern time. 

This is for the online ILDA Laser Safety Officer (LSO) for Lasershows course described here. It is NOT for the Laser Operator or Audience Scanning courses which are separate, different courses.

The first half of the course is about 3 hours of online instruction using Zoom, followed by a test that takes about 45 minutes. The second half of the course also has 3 hours of online instruction followed by a second test lasting 75 minutes. After all tests have been turned in, the instructor goes over the answers. The total course time is roughly 9 hours. During this time, we will take a 5 minute break every hour, plus one longer 30 minute break for a meal.  

There is a course option where a non-U.S. student can skip the detailed FDA variance and FAA outdoor laser show form-filling-out information. They will still take the test and can get a Certificate; it will state that the course did not cover FDA or FAA forms. Let us know by email if you will be using this option.

ILDA Members receive a discount . (If you are a Member, but you only see the non-member price, be sure to log in to the site before you come back to this page.) 

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